Our On Air Stage for your pro­duction

Are you a large, medium-sized or small com­pany and would like to host an online event or record a film con­tribution? You neither have the appropriate pre­mises nor the ne­cessary know-how for pro­fessional film pro­ductions? Then we can help you.

Our On Air Stage

Use our On Air Stage for:

  • Talk rounds
  • On­line seminars
  • Inter­views
  • Pod­casts and video pod­casts
  • Tutorials
  • Pro­duct pre­sentations
  • Live circuits

At our On Air Stage at the Alte Tuch­fabrik in Eus­kirchen, we offer you full ser­vice for your pro­duction. Our On Air Stage is multi­functional. We adapt it flexibly to your ideas and require­ments. Up to five people can take part in dis­cussion rounds, either sitting or stan­ding. Larger pro­duct pre­sentations are also possible.

You are invited to an event as a speaker but can­not make it, because time is your most valuable asset? Just come to our On Air Stage! We'll put you on live.

Our all-inclusive care­free package in detail


Conveniently located

Con­veniently located

Our location is very con­venient­ly situated. We have good trans­port connections to train (Eus­kirchen train station, Siegburg ICE train station) and air (Cologne/Bonn and Düssel­dorf air­ports).

Numerous overnight accommodation options

Nume­rous over­night accommodation options

There are numerous places to stay in Eus­kirchen.

Free parking

Free parking

There is plenty of free parking available on our pre­mises at the Alte Tuch­fabrik.

Business shutlle

Busi­ness shuttle

We offer an air-con­ditioned busi­ness shuttle in which we can trans­port four people in addition to the driver.

Plenty of space

Plenty of space

Our studio is at ground level and has 2.50 metre high swing doors. Deli­vering even larger objects for product pre­sentations is very easy with us.

Corona safe

Corona safe

Feel safe with us! We have good room ventilation, air filtration systems and auto­matic dis­infectant dis­pensers.

On Air Stage with the well-being+

You have clients or guests during your pro­duc­tion who should feel especially com­fortable on the day of pro­duction?

They are also taken care of. Use our fully equipped kitchen or catering during your pro­duction. Our beauti­ful tree-planted court­yard can also easily accommodate several food trucks and shaded seating.

We have separate rooms where you or your clients can work un­dis­turbed during the filming. You can make yourself com­fortable in our lounge area and follow the filming from there via a monitor.

Our On Air Stage
Our On Air Stage